When you visit the castle, you first will see the sourthen curtain wall , with its base of stone and brick structure which shows a III century Gallo-Roman construction. Built on the site of one of the ten ancient towers, the Madelaine Tower is today the strongest defence post of the castle .
Its walls, date from the XV century. From the sourthern ward which is lined with pine trees, the wall-walk of the Paradis gatehouse can be reached.This gatehouse was build in theXV century.
The Northern ward leads to the keep, built between the XIII and XVII centuries.It is composed of two great towers.The Duchess Anne Tower houses an oratory where the Queen came to pray in August 1505 during a pilgrimage in Brittany .

Some more information about the Castle.

The keep tower was built in 1630 to protect the noble men.It was rebuild three times.
